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***  CELL ADHESION 14-DEC-19 6TPW  ***

LOGs for ID: 2403161612103502452

output from eigenvector calculation:

CUTOFF set to default value (CUTOFF=8) Build Tirion matrix: Pdbmat> Computes the Hessian matrix, using an Elastic Network Model. Pdbmat> Version 3.50, Fevrier 2004. Pdbmat> Options to be read in pdbmat.dat file. Pdbmat> Coordinate filename = 2403161612103502452.atom Pdbmat> Distance cutoff = 8.00 Force constant = 10.00 Origin of mass values = CONS Pdbmat> Levelshift = 1.0E-09 PRINTing level = 2 Pdbmat> Coordinate file 2403161612103502452.atom to be opened. Openam> File opened: 2403161612103502452.atom Pdbmat> Coordinate file in PDB format. Rdatompdb> Reading pdb file. Rdatompdb> End of file reached. Rdatompdb> Number of I/O errors: 0 Rdatompdb> Number of residues found = 375 First residue number = 319 Last residue number = 704 Number of atoms found = 2909 Mean number per residue = 7.8 Pdbmat> Coordinate statistics: = -31.303150 +/- 8.169533 From: -55.737000 To: -9.688000 = -9.776072 +/- 11.561213 From: -34.432000 To: 22.866000 = -55.269949 +/- 40.526642 From: -134.350000 To: 21.166000 Pdbmat> Masses are all set to one. Openam> File opened: pdbmat.xyzm Pdbmat> Coordinates and masses considered are saved. Openam> File opened: pdbmat.sdijb Pdbmat> Matrix statistics: Pdbmat> The matrix is 2.6369 % Filled. Pdbmat> 1004259 non-zero elements. Pdbmat> 109665 atom-atom interactions. Pdbmat> Number per atom= 75.40 +/- 21.88 Maximum number = 130 Minimum number = 11 Pdbmat> Matrix trace = 2.193300E+06 Pdbmat> Larger element = 480.841 Pdbmat> 0 elements larger than +/- 1.0E+10 Pdbmat> Normal end. automatic determination of NRBL (NRBL = nresidues/200 + 1) 375 non-zero elements, NRBL set to 2 Diagonalize Tirion matrix using diagrtb Diagrtb> Diagonalizes a matrix, using the RTB/BNM approximation. Diagrtb> Version 2.52, November 2004. Diagrtb> Options to be read in diagrtb.dat file. Diagrtb> Options taken into account: MATRix filename = pdbmat.sdijb COORdinates filename = 2403161612103502452.atom Eigenvector OUTPut file = matrix.eigenrtb Nb of VECTors required = 106 EigeNVALues chosen = LOWE Type of SUBStructuring = NONE Nb of residues per BLOck = 2 Origin of MASS values = CONS MATRix FORMat = BINA Temporary files cleaning = ALL Output PRINting level = 2 Diagrtb> Memory allocation for Blocpdb. Blocpdb> Entering in. Openam> file on opening on unit 10: diagrtb_work.xyzm Blocpdb> Coordinate file 2403161612103502452.atom to be opened. Openam> file on opening on unit 11: 2403161612103502452.atom Blocpdb> Coordinate file in PDB format. Blocpdb> 2909 atoms picked in pdb file. Blocpdb> All masses set to unity. Blocpdb> Coordinate file is rewritten. Blocpdb> Substructuring: Blocpdb> 2 residue(s) per block. Blocpdb> 375 residues. Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 1 Block first atom: 1 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 2 Block first atom: 17 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 3 Block first atom: 31 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 4 Block first atom: 47 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 5 Block first atom: 62 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 6 Block first atom: 76 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 7 Block first atom: 92 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 8 Block first atom: 104 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 9 Block first atom: 117 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 10 Block first atom: 131 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 11 Block first atom: 146 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 12 Block first atom: 160 Blocpdb> 19 atoms in block 13 Block first atom: 174 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 14 Block first atom: 193 Blocpdb> 17 atoms in block 15 Block first atom: 209 Blocpdb> 23 atoms in block 16 Block first atom: 226 Blocpdb> 10 atoms in block 17 Block first atom: 249 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 18 Block first atom: 259 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 19 Block first atom: 270 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 20 Block first atom: 283 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 21 Block first atom: 301 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 22 Block first atom: 319 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 23 Block first atom: 334 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 24 Block first atom: 345 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 25 Block first atom: 357 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 26 Block first atom: 375 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 27 Block first atom: 393 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 28 Block first atom: 405 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 29 Block first atom: 417 Blocpdb> 17 atoms in block 30 Block first atom: 430 Blocpdb> 21 atoms in block 31 Block first atom: 447 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 32 Block first atom: 468 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 33 Block first atom: 484 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 34 Block first atom: 502 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 35 Block first atom: 515 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 36 Block first atom: 530 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 37 Block first atom: 544 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 38 Block first atom: 559 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 39 Block first atom: 570 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 40 Block first atom: 583 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 41 Block first atom: 597 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 42 Block first atom: 615 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 43 Block first atom: 631 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 44 Block first atom: 642 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 45 Block first atom: 660 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 46 Block first atom: 672 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 47 Block first atom: 684 Blocpdb> 22 atoms in block 48 Block first atom: 698 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 49 Block first atom: 720 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 50 Block first atom: 736 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 51 Block first atom: 752 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 52 Block first atom: 768 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 53 Block first atom: 779 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 54 Block first atom: 792 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 55 Block first atom: 808 Blocpdb> 23 atoms in block 56 Block first atom: 824 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 57 Block first atom: 847 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 58 Block first atom: 861 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 59 Block first atom: 879 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 60 Block first atom: 894 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 61 Block first atom: 906 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 62 Block first atom: 924 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 63 Block first atom: 940 Blocpdb> 24 atoms in block 64 Block first atom: 958 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 65 Block first atom: 982 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 66 Block first atom: 996 Blocpdb> 22 atoms in block 67 Block first atom: 1010 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 68 Block first atom: 1032 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 69 Block first atom: 1046 Blocpdb> 24 atoms in block 70 Block first atom: 1059 Blocpdb> 19 atoms in block 71 Block first atom: 1083 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 72 Block first atom: 1102 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 73 Block first atom: 1117 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 74 Block first atom: 1130 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 75 Block first atom: 1142 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 76 Block first atom: 1157 Blocpdb> 10 atoms in block 77 Block first atom: 1171 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 78 Block first atom: 1181 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 79 Block first atom: 1197 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 80 Block first atom: 1208 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 81 Block first atom: 1223 Blocpdb> 19 atoms in block 82 Block first atom: 1241 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 83 Block first atom: 1260 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 84 Block first atom: 1275 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 85 Block first atom: 1291 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 86 Block first atom: 1303 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 87 Block first atom: 1314 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 88 Block first atom: 1326 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 89 Block first atom: 1340 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 90 Block first atom: 1353 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 91 Block first atom: 1368 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 92 Block first atom: 1384 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 93 Block first atom: 1400 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 94 Block first atom: 1418 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 95 Block first atom: 1429 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 96 Block first atom: 1441 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 97 Block first atom: 1457 Blocpdb> 20 atoms in block 98 Block first atom: 1470 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 99 Block first atom: 1490 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 100 Block first atom: 1504 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 101 Block first atom: 1520 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 102 Block first atom: 1534 Blocpdb> 17 atoms in block 103 Block first atom: 1552 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 104 Block first atom: 1569 Blocpdb> 22 atoms in block 105 Block first atom: 1583 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 106 Block first atom: 1605 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 107 Block first atom: 1620 Blocpdb> 20 atoms in block 108 Block first atom: 1636 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 109 Block first atom: 1656 Blocpdb> 20 atoms in block 110 Block first atom: 1672 Blocpdb> 17 atoms in block 111 Block first atom: 1692 Blocpdb> 19 atoms in block 112 Block first atom: 1709 Blocpdb> 19 atoms in block 113 Block first atom: 1728 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 114 Block first atom: 1747 Blocpdb> 17 atoms in block 115 Block first atom: 1761 Blocpdb> 17 atoms in block 116 Block first atom: 1778 Blocpdb> 19 atoms in block 117 Block first atom: 1795 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 118 Block first atom: 1814 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 119 Block first atom: 1830 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 120 Block first atom: 1848 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 121 Block first atom: 1863 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 122 Block first atom: 1876 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 123 Block first atom: 1894 Blocpdb> 17 atoms in block 124 Block first atom: 1909 Blocpdb> 17 atoms in block 125 Block first atom: 1926 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 126 Block first atom: 1943 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 127 Block first atom: 1958 Blocpdb> 23 atoms in block 128 Block first atom: 1973 Blocpdb> 20 atoms in block 129 Block first atom: 1996 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 130 Block first atom: 2016 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 131 Block first atom: 2029 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 132 Block first atom: 2045 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 133 Block first atom: 2059 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 134 Block first atom: 2071 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 135 Block first atom: 2082 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 136 Block first atom: 2100 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 137 Block first atom: 2114 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 138 Block first atom: 2129 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 139 Block first atom: 2143 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 140 Block first atom: 2161 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 141 Block first atom: 2175 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 142 Block first atom: 2188 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 143 Block first atom: 2201 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 144 Block first atom: 2213 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 145 Block first atom: 2229 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 146 Block first atom: 2245 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 147 Block first atom: 2259 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 148 Block first atom: 2272 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 149 Block first atom: 2284 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 150 Block first atom: 2297 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 151 Block first atom: 2311 Blocpdb> 20 atoms in block 152 Block first atom: 2329 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 153 Block first atom: 2349 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 154 Block first atom: 2363 Blocpdb> 13 atoms in block 155 Block first atom: 2377 Blocpdb> 17 atoms in block 156 Block first atom: 2390 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 157 Block first atom: 2407 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 158 Block first atom: 2419 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 159 Block first atom: 2434 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 160 Block first atom: 2450 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 161 Block first atom: 2468 Blocpdb> 21 atoms in block 162 Block first atom: 2480 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 163 Block first atom: 2501 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 164 Block first atom: 2513 Blocpdb> 9 atoms in block 165 Block first atom: 2525 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 166 Block first atom: 2534 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 167 Block first atom: 2548 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 168 Block first atom: 2560 Blocpdb> 20 atoms in block 169 Block first atom: 2574 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 170 Block first atom: 2594 Blocpdb> 20 atoms in block 171 Block first atom: 2610 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 172 Block first atom: 2630 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 173 Block first atom: 2646 Blocpdb> 17 atoms in block 174 Block first atom: 2657 Blocpdb> 23 atoms in block 175 Block first atom: 2674 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 176 Block first atom: 2697 Blocpdb> 23 atoms in block 177 Block first atom: 2713 Blocpdb> 21 atoms in block 178 Block first atom: 2736 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 179 Block first atom: 2757 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 180 Block first atom: 2775 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 181 Block first atom: 2790 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 182 Block first atom: 2805 Blocpdb> 11 atoms in block 183 Block first atom: 2816 Blocpdb> 16 atoms in block 184 Block first atom: 2827 Blocpdb> 12 atoms in block 185 Block first atom: 2843 Blocpdb> 14 atoms in block 186 Block first atom: 2855 Blocpdb> 15 atoms in block 187 Block first atom: 2869 Blocpdb> 18 atoms in block 188 Block first atom: 2884 Blocpdb> 8 atoms in block 189 Block first atom: 2901 Blocpdb> 189 blocks. Blocpdb> At most, 24 atoms in each of them. Blocpdb> At least, 8 atoms in each of them. Blocpdb> Normal end of Blocpdb. Diagrtb> Memory allocation for Prepmat. Diagrtb> Memory allocation for RTB. Diagrtb> Memory allocation for Diagstd. Diagrtb> Memory allocation for RTB_to_modes. Prepmat> Entering in. Prepmat> Rewriting of the matrix begins. Prepmat> 1004448 matrix lines read. Prepmat> Matrix order = 8727 Prepmat> Matrix trace = 2193300.0000 Prepmat> Last element read: 8727 8727 132.2544 Prepmat> 17956 lines saved. Prepmat> 16247 empty lines. Prepmat> Number of lines on output is as expected. Prepmat> Normal end of Prepmat. RTB> Entering in. RTB> Number of atoms found in temporary coordinate file: 2909 RTB> Total mass = 2909.0000 RTB> Number of atoms found in matrix: 2909 RTB> Number of blocks = 189 RTB> Projection begins. RTB> Projected matrix is being saved. RTB> Projected matrix trace = 234959.7018 RTB> 58653 non-zero elements. RTB> Normal end of RTB. Diagstd> Entering in. Openam> file on opening on unit 10: diagrtb_work.sdijb Diagstd> Projected matrix to be read from file: diagrtb_work.sdijb Diagstd> CERFACS matrix format. Diagstd> Projected matrix order = 1134 Diagstd> Nb of non-zero elements: 58653 Diagstd> Projected matrix trace = 234959.7018 Openam> file on opening on unit 11: diagrtb_work.eigenfacs Diagstd> Diagonalization. Diagstd> 1134 eigenvectors are computed. Diagstd> 106 of them to be saved. Diagstd> Sum of eigenvalues = 234959.7018 Diagstd> Best zero-eigenvalue found : 0.000000 Diagstd> 6 zero-eigenvalues, that is, below or equal to: 0.0000000 Diagstd> Selected eigenvalues: 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0175128 0.0524175 0.1027791 0.1507670 0.1793358 0.3260835 0.4157267 0.5720891 0.7627861 1.5272461 1.8347328 2.1473149 2.7293536 3.1952637 3.4891211 4.2971624 4.4655101 5.3035237 5.3429817 7.0896265 7.2426459 7.7365444 8.6250770 8.6632830 9.6043676 10.1985349 10.3259782 10.8239451 11.9059623 12.4999893 13.0841292 13.8026630 14.5144897 15.1206526 15.9619147 16.3825633 16.7576843 17.9812077 18.8658823 19.1173051 20.0380476 20.3473711 21.0855249 21.7191620 22.3972150 23.2312025 23.4385643 23.7845640 24.3297442 25.1413636 25.7578894 27.1514704 28.3484020 28.6746347 29.4623375 30.2932649 30.9521448 31.8563397 32.0110713 32.5412015 32.9303208 33.0775456 34.2377220 34.6463222 34.8865346 34.9844302 35.9518803 36.5612992 37.3963495 37.5631346 39.0886846 39.2808159 39.5172226 40.3393787 41.0133469 41.4406439 42.0355921 42.3189685 42.8058012 43.8935771 44.0179296 44.3148307 45.5177432 45.8071966 45.8688878 46.6677298 46.9919249 47.4000109 47.6854496 48.9334069 49.6679511 49.8830014 50.0689549 50.6182771 51.1970958 51.5500276 52.2892083 52.4174173 52.9319388 53.1649120 Diagstd> Frequencies (cm-1, if the input matrix is a hessian in CHARMM units): 0.0034322 0.0034327 0.0034328 0.0034329 0.0034331 0.0034340 14.3705531 24.8618512 34.8135075 42.1646377 45.9863338 62.0097101 70.0163143 82.1347869 94.8411209 134.1991577 147.0895069 159.1267330 179.4011323 194.1103249 202.8398604 225.1055286 229.4725898 250.0791806 251.0077451 289.1391887 292.2428584 302.0430121 318.9163404 319.6219021 336.5345570 346.7880900 348.9481357 357.2630243 374.6946835 383.9282774 392.7965751 403.4379256 413.7101399 422.2605883 433.8481728 439.5276570 444.5312350 460.4735714 471.6652069 474.7977109 486.0970467 489.8345708 498.6404297 506.0772472 513.9161790 523.3968747 525.7276071 529.5937823 535.6289621 544.4897329 551.1253879 565.8378013 578.1753491 581.4926463 589.4254453 597.6794472 604.1442609 612.9050750 614.3917627 619.4582944 623.1509495 624.5423864 635.4007321 639.1809905 641.3929709 642.2922515 651.1125775 656.6078795 664.0639207 665.5431129 678.9234482 680.5899480 682.6348984 689.6994546 695.4371490 699.0504626 704.0505868 706.4197243 710.4713921 719.4419671 720.4603522 722.8860225 732.6315902 734.9573495 735.4520876 741.8286766 744.4009146 747.6261799 749.8738708 759.6228273 765.3029772 766.9579763 768.3861769 772.5897815 776.9944973 779.6680385 785.2380091 786.2000904 790.0492791 791.7860210 Diagstd> Normal end. Rtb_to_modes> Entering in. Rtb_to_modes> Number of atoms in temporary block-file = 2909 Rtb_to_modes> Number of blocs = 189 Openam> file on opening on unit 10: diagrtb_work.eigenfacs Openam> file on opening on unit 11: matrix.eigenrtb Rdmodfacs> Entering in. Rdmodfacs> Old Blzpack file format detected. Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 1 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 9.9897E-10 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 2 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 9.9926E-10 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 3 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 9.9933E-10 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 4 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 9.9938E-10 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 5 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 9.9952E-10 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 6 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 1.0000E-09 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 7 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 1.7513E-02 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 8 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 5.2418E-02 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 9 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 0.1028 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 10 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 0.1508 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 11 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 0.1793 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 12 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 0.3261 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 13 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 0.4157 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 14 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 0.5721 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 15 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 0.7628 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 16 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 1.527 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 17 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 1.835 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 18 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 2.147 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 19 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 2.729 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 20 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 3.195 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 21 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 3.489 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 22 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 4.297 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 23 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 4.466 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 24 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 5.304 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 25 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 5.343 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 26 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 7.090 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 27 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 7.243 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 28 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 7.737 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 29 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 8.625 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 30 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 8.663 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 31 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 9.604 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 32 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 10.20 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 33 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 10.33 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 34 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 10.82 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 35 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 11.91 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 36 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 12.50 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 37 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 13.08 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 38 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 13.80 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 39 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 14.51 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 40 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 15.12 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 41 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 15.96 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 42 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 16.38 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 43 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 16.76 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 44 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 17.98 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 45 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 18.87 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 46 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 19.12 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 47 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 20.04 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 48 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 20.35 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 49 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 21.09 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 50 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 21.72 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 51 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 22.40 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 52 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 23.23 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 53 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 23.44 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 54 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 23.78 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 55 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 24.33 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 56 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 25.14 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 57 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 25.76 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 58 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 27.15 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 59 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 28.35 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 60 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 28.67 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 61 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 29.46 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 62 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 30.29 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 63 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 30.95 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 64 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 31.86 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 65 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 32.01 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 66 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 32.54 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 67 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 32.93 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 68 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 33.08 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 69 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 34.24 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 70 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 34.65 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 71 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 34.89 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 72 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 34.98 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 73 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 35.95 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 74 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 36.56 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 75 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 37.40 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 76 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 37.56 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 77 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 39.09 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 78 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 39.28 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 79 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 39.52 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 80 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 40.34 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 81 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 41.01 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 82 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 41.44 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 83 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 42.04 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 84 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 42.32 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 85 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 42.81 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 86 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 43.89 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 87 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 44.02 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 88 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 44.31 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 89 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 45.52 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 90 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 45.81 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 91 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 45.87 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 92 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 46.67 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 93 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 46.99 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 94 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 47.40 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 95 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 47.69 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 96 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 48.93 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 97 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 49.67 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 98 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 49.88 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 99 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 50.07 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 100 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 50.62 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 101 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 51.20 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 102 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 51.55 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 103 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 52.29 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 104 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 52.42 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 105 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 52.93 Rdmodfacs> Eigenvector number: 106 Rdmodfacs> Corresponding eigenvalue: 53.16 Rtb_to_modes> 106 vectors, with 1134 coordinates in vector file. Norm of eigenvectors in projected coordinates (one expected): 1.00000 1.00002 1.00003 1.00001 0.99999 0.99997 0.99999 1.00000 1.00001 0.99999 1.00000 0.99998 1.00000 1.00001 1.00002 0.99998 0.99999 1.00000 0.99999 1.00000 0.99999 1.00000 1.00001 1.00000 1.00002 0.99998 0.99996 1.00001 1.00001 0.99999 0.99999 1.00003 0.99998 0.99998 0.99994 0.99999 1.00001 1.00001 0.99998 0.99997 1.00003 0.99999 1.00002 0.99999 1.00002 0.99995 1.00002 1.00000 1.00001 0.99997 1.00001 1.00002 1.00000 1.00001 1.00000 0.99998 1.00002 1.00000 1.00002 0.99996 0.99998 1.00002 0.99999 1.00000 1.00001 1.00003 1.00003 0.99998 0.99996 1.00001 1.00001 0.99998 0.99999 1.00000 0.99998 1.00002 1.00003 1.00001 0.99999 0.99997 1.00002 0.99997 0.99998 1.00002 0.99999 1.00003 0.99999 1.00002 0.99999 1.00001 1.00004 1.00001 0.99999 0.99998 1.00000 1.00002 0.99999 0.99999 1.00000 0.99998 0.99999 1.00001 1.00002 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 Rtb_to_modes> RTB block-file is being read. Rtb_to_modes> 52362 lines found in RTB file. Norm of eigenvectors in cartesian coordinates (one expected): 1.00000 1.00002 1.00003 1.00001 0.99999 0.99997 0.99999 1.00000 1.00001 0.99999 1.00000 0.99998 1.00000 1.00001 1.00002 0.99998 0.99999 1.00000 0.99999 1.00000 0.99999 1.00000 1.00001 1.00000 1.00002 0.99998 0.99996 1.00001 1.00001 0.99999 0.99999 1.00003 0.99998 0.99998 0.99994 0.99999 1.00001 1.00001 0.99998 0.99997 1.00003 0.99999 1.00002 0.99999 1.00002 0.99995 1.00002 1.00000 1.00001 0.99997 1.00001 1.00002 1.00000 1.00001 1.00000 0.99998 1.00002 1.00000 1.00002 0.99996 0.99998 1.00002 0.99999 1.00000 1.00001 1.00003 1.00003 0.99998 0.99996 1.00001 1.00001 0.99998 0.99999 1.00000 0.99998 1.00002 1.00003 1.00001 0.99999 0.99997 1.00002 0.99997 0.99998 1.00002 0.99999 1.00003 0.99999 1.00002 0.99999 1.00001 1.00004 1.00001 0.99999 0.99998 1.00000 1.00002 0.99999 0.99999 1.00000 0.99998 0.99999 1.00001 1.00002 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 Orthogonality of first eigenvectors (zero expected): Vector 2: 0.000 Vector 3:-0.000-0.000 Vector 4:-0.000 0.000-0.000 Vector 5: 0.000-0.000-0.000 0.000 Vector 6:-0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Vector 7:-0.000-0.000-0.000-0.000-0.000-0.000 Vector 8: 0.000 0.000 0.000-0.000 0.000-0.000 0.000 Vector 9: 0.000-0.000-0.000-0.000-0.000 0.000 0.000-0.000 Vector 10:-0.000-0.000 0.000-0.000 0.000 0.000-0.000 0.000-0.000 Rtb_to_modes> 106 eigenvectors saved. Rtb_to_modes> Normal end. Diagrtb> Normal end. B-factor analysis Bfactors> Version 1.22, Bordeaux. Getnam> Eigenvector filename ? Getnam> 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs Openam> file on opening on unit 10: 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs Getnam> Corresponding pdb filename ? Getnam> 2403161612103502452.atom Openam> file on opening on unit 11: 2403161612103502452.atom Getnum> Number of skipped eigenvectors ? Getnum> 0 Getnum> Number of usefull eigenvectors ? Getnum> 10000 %Getnum-Err: number larger than 106 This is not allowed. Sorry. Rdatompdb> Reading pdb file. Rdatompdb> End of file reached. Rdatompdb> Number of I/O errors: 0 Rdatompdb> Number of residues found = 375 First residue number = 319 Last residue number = 704 Number of atoms found = 2909 Mean number per residue = 7.8 Rdmodfacs> Old Blzpack file format detected. Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 1 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 9.9897E-10 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 2 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 9.9926E-10 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 3 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 9.9933E-10 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 4 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 9.9938E-10 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 5 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 9.9952E-10 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 6 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 1.0000E-09 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 7 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 1.7513E-02 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 8 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 5.2418E-02 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 9 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 0.1028 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 10 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 0.1508 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 11 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 0.1793 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 12 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 0.3261 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 13 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 0.4157 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 14 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 0.5721 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 15 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 0.7628 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 16 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 1.527 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 17 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 1.835 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 18 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 2.147 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 19 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 2.729 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 20 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 3.195 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 21 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 3.489 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 22 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 4.297 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 23 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 4.466 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 24 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 5.304 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 25 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 5.343 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 26 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 7.090 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 27 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 7.243 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 28 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 7.737 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 29 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 8.625 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 30 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 8.663 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 31 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 9.604 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 32 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 10.20 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 33 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 10.33 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 34 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 10.82 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 35 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 11.91 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 36 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 12.50 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 37 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 13.08 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 38 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 13.80 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 39 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 14.51 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 40 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 15.12 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 41 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 15.96 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 42 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 16.38 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 43 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 16.76 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 44 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 17.98 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 45 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 18.87 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 46 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 19.12 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 47 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 20.04 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 48 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 20.35 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 49 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 21.09 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 50 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 21.72 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 51 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 22.40 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 52 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 23.23 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 53 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 23.44 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 54 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 23.78 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 55 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 24.33 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 56 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 25.14 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 57 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 25.76 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 58 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 27.15 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 59 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 28.35 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 60 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 28.67 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 61 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 29.46 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 62 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 30.29 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 63 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 30.95 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 64 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 31.86 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 65 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 32.01 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 66 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 32.54 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 67 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 32.93 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 68 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 33.08 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 69 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 34.24 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 70 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 34.65 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 71 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 34.89 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 72 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 34.98 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 73 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 35.95 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 74 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 36.56 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 75 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 37.40 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 76 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 37.56 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 77 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 39.09 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 78 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 39.28 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 79 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 39.52 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 80 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 40.34 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 81 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 41.01 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 82 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 41.44 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 83 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 42.04 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 84 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 42.32 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 85 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 42.81 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 86 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 43.89 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 87 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 44.02 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 88 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 44.31 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 89 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 45.52 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 90 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 45.81 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 91 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 45.87 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 92 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 46.67 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 93 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 46.99 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 94 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 47.40 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 95 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 47.69 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 96 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 48.93 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 97 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 49.67 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 98 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 49.88 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 99 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 50.07 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 100 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 50.62 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 101 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 51.20 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 102 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 51.55 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 103 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 52.29 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 104 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 52.42 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 105 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 52.93 Rdmodfacs> Numero du vecteur CERFACS en lecture: 106 Rdmodfacs> Valeur propre du vecteur en lecture: 53.16 Bfactors> 106 vectors, 8727 coordinates in file. Openam> file on opening on unit 12: bfactors.pred Bfactors> Best zero-eigenvalue found : 0.000000 Bfactors> 6 eigenvalues less than : 0.000000 Bfactors> Lowest non-zero eigenvalue : 0.017513 Bfactors> 100 eigenvectors will be considered. Bfactors> Rotation-Tranlation modes are skipped. Bfactors> Mass-weighted B-factors are computed. (CHARMM units assumed for eigenvalues) Bfactors> Correlation= 0.628 for 375 C-alpha atoms. Bfactors> = 0.586 +/- 0.42 Bfactors> = 159.866 +/- 31.57 Bfactors> Shiftng-fct= 159.280 Bfactors> Scaling-fct= 75.924 Bfactors> Predicted, Scaled and Experimental B-factors are saved. Bfactors> Normal end. check_modes getting mode 7 running: ../../bin/ 2403161612103502452 7 -100 100 20 on 0 normal mode computation generate a series of perturbations for mode 7 calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-100 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-80 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-60 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-40 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-20 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=0 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=20 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=40 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=60 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=80 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=100 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom making animated gifs 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.7.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.7.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.7.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 getting mode 8 running: ../../bin/ 2403161612103502452 8 -100 100 20 on 0 normal mode computation generate a series of perturbations for mode 8 calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-100 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-80 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-60 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-40 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-20 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=0 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=20 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=40 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=60 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=80 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=100 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom making animated gifs 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.8.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.8.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.8.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 getting mode 9 running: ../../bin/ 2403161612103502452 9 -100 100 20 on 0 normal mode computation generate a series of perturbations for mode 9 calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-100 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-80 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-60 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-40 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-20 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=0 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=20 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=40 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=60 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=80 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=100 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom making animated gifs 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.9.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.9.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.9.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 getting mode 10 running: ../../bin/ 2403161612103502452 10 -100 100 20 on 0 normal mode computation generate a series of perturbations for mode 10 calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-100 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-80 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-60 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-40 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 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making animated gif 300x300 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.10.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.10.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 getting mode 11 running: ../../bin/ 2403161612103502452 11 -100 100 20 on 0 normal mode computation generate a series of perturbations for mode 11 calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-100 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-80 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-60 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-40 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=-20 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=0 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=20 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=40 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=60 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=80 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom calculating perturbed structure for DQ=100 2403161612103502452.eigenfacs 2403161612103502452.atom making animated gifs 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.11.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.11.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 11 models are in 2403161612103502452.11.pdb, 1 models will be skipped MODEL 1 will be plotted MODEL 3 will be plotted MODEL 5 will be plotted MODEL 7 will be plotted MODEL 9 will be plotted MODEL 11 will be plotted making thumbnail 100x100 making small animated gif 100x100 making animated gif 300x300 2403161612103502452.10.pdb 2403161612103502452.11.pdb 2403161612103502452.7.pdb 2403161612103502452.8.pdb 2403161612103502452.9.pdb STDERR: Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DENORMAL real 0m22.164s user 0m22.108s sys 0m0.056s ../../bin/check_modes: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory mv: cannot stat 'Chkmod.res': No such file or directory cat: 2403161612103502452.Chkmod.res: No such file or directory pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: 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It was developed by Karsten Suhre.
Between 2003 and 2014, it was hosted by IGS (Marseille).
Last modification: April 25th, 2023.