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***  foxm_1  ***

CA strain for 240126012030392235

---  normal mode 7  ---

This graph displays the distance variation between successive pairs of CA atoms in the two extreme conformations that were computed for this mode (DQMIN/DQMAX). Large distance variations can be an indicator for residue pairs that support the important strain in that particular normal mode movement. Note that residue pairs between chain breaks or at flexible ends of the protein may also exhibit large CA-CA distance variations. If more than one residues ae grouped together into a rigid block (NRBL>1), CA-CA distance variations between CA atoms in the same block will be very low.

This feature is still experimental and will be further developped in the future.

CA iCA i+1vari
SER 232VAL 233 0.0686
VAL 233SER 234 -0.0623
SER 234GLU 235 0.0316
GLU 235ARG 236 -0.0211
ARG 236PRO 237 0.0554
PRO 237PRO 238 -0.0248
PRO 238TYR 239 0.0330
TYR 239SER 240 -0.0256
SER 240TYR 241 -0.0474
TYR 241MET 242 0.1029
MET 242ALA 243 -0.0277
ALA 243MET 244 0.0291
MET 244ILE 245 0.0185
ILE 245GLN 246 -0.0307
GLN 246PHE 247 0.0086
PHE 247ALA 248 -0.0196
ALA 248ILE 249 0.0529
ILE 249ASN 250 -0.0470
ASN 250SER 251 -0.0695
SER 251THR 252 0.0616
THR 252GLU 253 0.0788
GLU 253ARG 254 0.0500
ARG 254LYS 255 0.0564
LYS 255ARG 256 0.0375
ARG 256MET 257 -0.0485
MET 257THR 258 -0.1474
THR 258LEU 259 -0.1312
LEU 259LYS 260 -0.0087
LYS 260ASP 261 0.0750
ASP 261ILE 262 0.0657
ILE 262TYR 263 -0.0544
TYR 263THR 264 0.1316
THR 264TRP 265 0.0460
TRP 265ILE 266 -0.0094
ILE 266GLU 267 0.0232
GLU 267ASP 268 0.0599
ASP 268HIS 269 -0.0067
HIS 269PHE 270 0.0015
PHE 270PRO 271 0.0925
PRO 271TYR 272 0.0038
TYR 272PHE 273 -0.0677
PHE 273LYS 274 0.0540
LYS 274HIS 275 -0.0627
HIS 275ILE 276 0.0014
ILE 276ALA 277 -0.0437
ALA 277LYS 278 0.0113
LYS 278PRO 279 -0.0253
PRO 279GLY 280 0.0803
GLY 280TRP 281 0.0108
TRP 281LYS 282 -0.0560
LYS 282ASN 283 0.0566
ASN 283SER 284 -0.0027
SER 284ILE 285 -0.0259
ILE 285ARG 286 -0.0019
ARG 286HIS 287 0.0117
HIS 287ASN 288 -0.0133
ASN 288LEU 289 -0.0521
LEU 289SER 290 0.0572
SER 290LEU 291 -0.0188
LEU 291HIS 292 -0.0074
HIS 292ASP 293 0.0762
ASP 293MET 294 -0.0440
MET 294PHE 295 -0.0529
PHE 295VAL 296 0.1990
VAL 296ARG 297 0.1339
ARG 297GLU 298 0.0005
GLU 298THR 299 0.3763
THR 299SER 300 0.0272
SER 300ALA 301 0.0161
ALA 301ASN 302 -0.0073
ASN 302GLY 303 0.0125
GLY 303LYS 304 -0.1290
LYS 304VAL 305 -0.0173
VAL 305SER 306 -0.1675
SER 306PHE 307 0.0647
PHE 307TRP 308 -0.0586
TRP 308THR 309 -0.1152
THR 309ILE 310 0.1268
ILE 310HIS 311 -0.0400
HIS 311PRO 312 -0.0256
PRO 312SER 313 0.0349
SER 313ALA 314 0.0344
ALA 314ASN 315 -0.0567
ASN 315ARG 316 0.0286
ARG 316TYR 317 0.0019
TYR 317LEU 318 0.0333
LEU 318THR 319 -0.0018
THR 319LEU 320 0.0986
LEU 320ASP 321 0.0270

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elNémo is maintained by Yves-Henri Sanejouand.
It was developed by Karsten Suhre.
Between 2003 and 2014, it was hosted by IGS (Marseille).
Last modification: April 25th, 2023.