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B-factor analysis for ID 2406061849031399629

Overall B-factor prediction

Correlation= 0.576 for 133 C-alpha atoms.

B-factors for all residues

Residue-by-residue B-factor prediction for CA atoms

B-factors are computed based on the first 100 normal modes (B-PREDICT) and are scaled to match the overall B-factors in the submitted model (B-SCALED). A high correlation with the observations is an indicator that the normal modes capture well the overall flexibility features of the model. Comparison of the observed (B-OBS, blue) and the computed (B-SCALED, red) B-factors for all C-alpha atoms is presented below. Differences between B-factors from normal mode analysis and from X-ray crystallographic data may for example indicate regions where the protein flexibility is modified due to external factors such as tight crystall-packing.

     2 CA   ALA   1001      0.0506     56.5285     43.7000
    14 CA   SER   1002      0.0304     38.7768     37.8600
    25 CA   GLY   1003      0.0070     18.2339     23.1300
    32 CA   LEU   1004      0.0052     16.6498     17.5700
    51 CA   VAL   1005      0.0064     17.6542     15.5700
    67 CA   ALA   1006      0.0051     16.5186     16.1100
    77 CA   SER   1007      0.0093     20.2665     19.2000
    88 CA   ASN   1008      0.0176     27.5634     22.4300
   102 CA   LEU   1009      0.0039     15.5225     23.0800
   121 CA   ASN   1010      0.0079     18.9941     26.0900
   135 CA   LEU   1011      0.0031     14.8240     24.1400
   154 CA   LYS   1012      0.0059     17.2663     24.7000
   176 CA   PRO   1013      0.0057     17.0870     24.5100
   190 CA   GLY   1014      0.0133     23.7670     23.3400
   197 CA   GLU   1015      0.0073     18.4507     23.5800
   212 CA   LEU   1017      0.0019     13.7212     15.9900
   231 CA   ARG   1018      0.0035     15.1445     13.9900
   255 CA   VAL   1019      0.0018     13.6151     12.5100
   271 CA   ARG   1020      0.0030     14.7179     14.6800
   295 CA   GLY   1021      0.0029     14.6170     15.3300
   302 CA   GLU   1022      0.0044     15.9573     19.0600
   317 CA   VAL   1023      0.0030     14.6780     19.1600
   333 CA   ALA   1024      0.0063     17.5979     22.0200
   343 CA   PRO   1025      0.0186     28.4174     27.4900
   357 CA   ASP   1026      0.0198     29.4831     29.9200
   369 CA   ALA   1027      0.0049     16.3871     23.7600
   379 CA   LYS   1028      0.0058     17.1458     20.4300
   401 CA   SER   1029      0.0029     14.5804     17.5500
   412 CA   PHE   1030      0.0016     13.4804     12.3200
   432 CA   VAL   1031      0.0017     13.5281     10.9000
   448 CA   LEU   1032      0.0012     13.0901     10.4100
   467 CA   ASN   1033      0.0016     13.4855     11.5300
   481 CA   LEU   1034      0.0011     12.9972     11.6000
   500 CA   GLY   1035      0.0015     13.4026     13.9500
   507 CA   LYS   1036      0.0035     15.1581     19.6000
   529 CA   ASP   1037      0.0046     16.1374     20.7800
   541 CA   SER   1038      0.0060     17.3185     20.0100
   552 CA   ASN   1039      0.0062     17.5295     20.6600
   566 CA   ASN   1040      0.0033     14.9350     16.1400
   580 CA   LEU   1041      0.0016     13.4853     12.9600
   599 CA   CYS   1042      0.0012     13.1328     12.4300
   610 CA   LEU   1043      0.0010     12.9258     10.5600
   629 CA   HIS   1044      0.0015     13.3824     10.5600
   646 CA   PHE   1045      0.0010     12.9723     10.5000
   666 CA   ASN   1046      0.0015     13.3981     10.1300
   680 CA   PRO   1047      0.0012     13.1549     11.2000
   694 CA   ARG   1048      0.0025     14.2813     12.6200
   718 CA   PHE   1049      0.0032     14.8325     14.0300
   738 CA   ASN   1050      0.0079     19.0088     17.6000
   752 CA   ALA   1051      0.0081     19.1405     20.2000
   762 CA   HIS   1052      0.0269     35.7347     23.7600
   779 CA   GLY   1053      0.0433     50.1717     22.1000
   786 CA   ASP   1054      0.0070     18.2459     16.5400
   798 CA   ALA   1055      0.0091     20.0461     14.1400
   808 CA   ASN   1056      0.0048     16.3199     10.8800
   822 CA   THR   1057      0.0028     14.5371     10.5000
   836 CA   ILE   1058      0.0017     13.5563      8.2700
   855 CA   VAL   1059      0.0020     13.7807     10.3400
   871 CA   CYS   1060      0.0017     13.5581     10.3400
   882 CA   ASN   1061      0.0022     13.9742     11.0300
   896 CA   SER   1062      0.0022     13.9551     12.4000
   907 CA   LYS   1063      0.0032     14.8648     16.9100
   929 CA   ASP   1064      0.0053     16.7231     21.5300
   941 CA   ASP   1065      0.0122     22.7885     24.1300
   953 CA   GLY   1066      0.0093     20.2688     20.2700
   960 CA   ALA   1067      0.0164     26.4687     19.5600
   970 CA   TRP   1068      0.0075     18.6855     17.2500
   994 CA   GLY   1069      0.0066     17.8974     16.4500
  1001 CA   THR   1070      0.0138     24.1588     15.0000
  1015 CA   GLU   1071      0.0048     16.2523     12.3300
  1030 CA   GLN   1072      0.0032     14.8456     10.9000
  1047 CA   ARG   1073      0.0042     15.7346      9.1000
  1071 CA   GLU   1074      0.0029     14.6225      8.4800
  1086 CA   ALA   1075      0.0169     26.9209      9.1800
  1096 CA   VAL   1076      0.0053     16.7243      8.8400
  1112 CA   PHE   1077      0.0029     14.6363      8.6100
  1132 CA   PRO   1078      0.0037     15.3184     11.8000
  1146 CA   PHE   1079      0.0020     13.8121     15.0100
  1166 CA   GLN   1080      0.0050     16.4133     22.0300
  1183 CA   PRO   1081      0.0061     17.4072     23.2700
  1197 CA   GLY   1082      0.0101     20.9193     23.7700
  1204 CA   SER   1083      0.0069     18.0876     23.0900
  1215 CA   VAL   1084      0.0058     17.1344     19.7200
  1231 CA   ALA   1085      0.0026     14.3792     16.6900
  1241 CA   GLU   1086      0.0026     14.3450     14.3500
  1256 CA   VAL   1087      0.0015     13.3406     15.1600
  1272 CA   CYS   1088      0.0025     14.2272     14.7100
  1282 CA   ILE   1089      0.0013     13.2345     13.7200
  1301 CA   THR   1090      0.0028     14.4856     17.3900
  1315 CA   PHE   1091      0.0026     14.3491     22.1100
  1335 CA   ASP   1092      0.0044     15.8968     27.7000
  1347 CA   GLN   1093      0.0057     17.1118     28.2100
  1364 CA   ALA   1094      0.0082     19.2425     23.5100
  1374 CA   ASN   1095      0.0032     14.8810     20.4900
  1388 CA   LEU   1096      0.0015     13.3787     14.1100
  1407 CA   THR   1097      0.0026     14.3171     12.0200
  1421 CA   VAL   1098      0.0016     13.5034     10.8600
  1437 CA   LYS   1099      0.0028     14.5434     10.5700
  1459 CA   LEU   1100      0.0024     14.1503     10.7200
  1478 CA   PRO   1101      0.0039     15.4947     13.3200
  1492 CA   ASP   1102      0.0150     25.2264     12.3000
  1504 CA   GLY   1103      0.0177     27.5796     12.3500
  1511 CA   TYR   1104      0.0055     16.9358     10.8600
  1532 CA   GLU   1105      0.0050     16.4816     13.1800
  1547 CA   PHE   1106      0.0027     14.4646     10.0000
  1567 CA   LYS   1107      0.0037     15.3321     11.4100
  1589 CA   PHE   1108      0.0019     13.7739     12.1400
  1609 CA   PRO   1109      0.0033     14.9556     15.2400
  1623 CA   ASN   1110      0.0029     14.6035     15.9500
  1637 CA   ARG   1111      0.0042     15.7867     17.9600
  1661 CA   LEU   1112      0.0038     15.3668     20.2800
  1680 CA   ASN   1113      0.0087     19.7052     21.4600
  1694 CA   LEU   1114      0.0032     14.9083     21.6800
  1713 CA   GLU   1115      0.0071     18.3432     23.5200
  1728 CA   ALA   1116      0.0036     15.2062     19.3100
  1738 CA   ILE   1117      0.0017     13.5412     18.2600
  1757 CA   ASN   1118      0.0034     15.0395     19.0000
  1771 CA   TYR   1119      0.0025     14.2666     15.0900
  1792 CA   MET   1120      0.0021     13.9085     15.8100
  1809 CA   ALA   1121      0.0028     14.4843     14.3600
  1819 CA   ALA   1122      0.0025     14.2820     13.9500
  1829 CA   ASP   1123      0.0049     16.3828     17.9400
  1841 CA   GLY   1124      0.0053     16.7111     20.0400
  1848 CA   ASP   1125      0.0037     15.2784     21.9500
  1860 CA   PHE   1126      0.0020     13.8201     22.0500
  1880 CA   LYS   1127      0.0056     16.9460     23.5100
  1902 CA   ILE   1128      0.0032     14.8951     19.7900
  1921 CA   LYS   1129      0.0077     18.8001     18.2100
  1943 CA   CYS   1130      0.0069     18.1651     17.0900
  1953 CA   VAL   1131      0.0038     15.3809     13.7700
  1969 CA   ALA   1132      0.0070     18.2592     15.3300
  1979 CA   PHE   1133      0.0066     17.8609     27.4400
  1999 CA   ASP   1134      0.0131     23.5907     38.6800

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