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<R2> analysis for 2406271123311174200

---  normal mode 8  ---

This page gives a visualization of the normalized mean square displacement <R2> of all C-alpha atoms in the protein that are associated to this mode (black bars). The three components of the corresponding eigenvector are shown on the left (colored bars). Here is the raw data for <R2> and for the eigenvector (shift-click on the links for download).

XYZresidue<R2><R2>max = 0.1445
ALA 1490.0344
GLU 1500.0127
LEU 1510.0216
ASP 1520.0390
GLU 1530.0324
VAL 1540.0174
HIS 1550.0260
GLN 1560.0358
ALA 1570.0220
LEU 1580.0047
GLU 1590.0021
ASP 1600.0169
LEU 1610.0192
ALA 1490.0489
GLU 1500.0364
LEU 1510.0253
ASP 1520.0260
GLU 1530.0142
VAL 1540.0150
HIS 1550.0141
GLN 1560.0162
ALA 1570.0041
LEU 1580.0168
GLU 1590.0246
ASP 1600.0175
LEU 1610.0270
MET 10.0055
ASP 20.0330
LYS 30.0427
LEU 40.0250
ARG 50.0272
GLU 60.0539
LYS 70.0471
ILE 80.0351
ASN 90.0527
ALA 100.0815
ALA 110.0565
ARG 120.0480
MET 10.0440
ASP 20.0722
LYS 30.0518
LEU 40.0113
ARG 50.0300
GLU 60.0172
LYS 70.0261
ILE 80.0338
ASN 90.0571
ALA 100.0576
ALA 110.1050
ARG 120.1445

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It was developed by Karsten Suhre.
Between 2003 and 2014, it was hosted by IGS (Marseille).
Last modification: April 25th, 2023.