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<R2> analysis for 2406271123311174200

---  normal mode 10  ---

This page gives a visualization of the normalized mean square displacement <R2> of all C-alpha atoms in the protein that are associated to this mode (black bars). The three components of the corresponding eigenvector are shown on the left (colored bars). Here is the raw data for <R2> and for the eigenvector (shift-click on the links for download).

XYZresidue<R2><R2>max = 0.1266
ALA 1490.1035
GLU 1500.0662
LEU 1510.0522
ASP 1520.0443
GLU 1530.0225
VAL 1540.0067
HIS 1550.0286
GLN 1560.0453
ALA 1570.0314
LEU 1580.0330
GLU 1590.0932
ASP 1600.1266
LEU 1610.0178
ALA 1490.0488
GLU 1500.0411
LEU 1510.0323
ASP 1520.0062
GLU 1530.0262
VAL 1540.0158
HIS 1550.0111
GLN 1560.0309
ALA 1570.0201
LEU 1580.0176
GLU 1590.0303
ASP 1600.0156
LEU 1610.0110
MET 10.0213
ASP 20.0305
LYS 30.0331
LEU 40.0135
ARG 50.0148
GLU 60.0316
LYS 70.0173
ILE 80.0184
ASN 90.0458
ALA 100.0559
ALA 110.0471
ARG 120.0716
MET 10.0245
ASP 20.0144
LYS 30.0231
LEU 40.0115
ARG 50.0133
GLU 60.0278
LYS 70.0198
ILE 80.0071
ASN 90.0242
ALA 100.0349
ALA 110.0057
ARG 120.0462

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It was developed by Karsten Suhre.
Between 2003 and 2014, it was hosted by IGS (Marseille).
Last modification: April 25th, 2023.