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CA strain for 2406271123311174200

---  normal mode 8  ---

This graph displays the distance variation between successive pairs of CA atoms in the two extreme conformations that were computed for this mode (DQMIN/DQMAX). Large distance variations can be an indicator for residue pairs that support the important strain in that particular normal mode movement. Note that residue pairs between chain breaks or at flexible ends of the protein may also exhibit large CA-CA distance variations. If more than one residues ae grouped together into a rigid block (NRBL>1), CA-CA distance variations between CA atoms in the same block will be very low.

This feature is still experimental and will be further developped in the future.

CA iCA i+1vari
ALA 149GLU 150 0.0162
GLU 150LEU 151 -0.0385
LEU 151ASP 152 -0.0460
ASP 152GLU 153 0.0358
GLU 153VAL 154 0.0904
VAL 154HIS 155 0.0140
HIS 155GLN 156 -0.0352
GLN 156ALA 157 0.2926
ALA 157LEU 158 -0.5706
LEU 158GLU 159 0.0902
GLU 159ASP 160 -0.0142
ASP 160LEU 161 0.1957
LEU 161ALA 149 0.2377
ALA 149GLU 150 0.1421
GLU 150LEU 151 0.0188
LEU 151ASP 152 0.0424
ASP 152GLU 153 0.2331
GLU 153VAL 154 -0.0722
VAL 154HIS 155 0.0378
HIS 155GLN 156 0.4617
GLN 156ALA 157 0.0075
ALA 157LEU 158 0.0617
LEU 158GLU 159 0.1418
GLU 159ASP 160 0.2401
ASP 160LEU 161 -0.4739
LEU 161MET 1 -0.0669
MET 1ASP 2 0.1889
ASP 2LYS 3 -0.0279
LYS 3LEU 4 -0.0878
LEU 4ARG 5 -0.1589
ARG 5GLU 6 0.1507
GLU 6LYS 7 -0.2635
LYS 7ILE 8 0.0717
ILE 8ASN 9 -0.0565
ASN 9ALA 10 0.1125
ALA 10ALA 11 -0.3311
ALA 11ARG 12 -0.0814
ARG 12MET 1 -0.3760
MET 1ASP 2 -0.2755
ASP 2LYS 3 -0.0313
LYS 3LEU 4 0.0955
LEU 4ARG 5 0.1015
ARG 5GLU 6 -0.0003
GLU 6LYS 7 0.0731
LYS 7ILE 8 0.2549
ILE 8ASN 9 0.0012
ASN 9ALA 10 0.0104
ALA 10ALA 11 -0.3187
ALA 11ARG 12 -0.0951

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elNémo is maintained by Yves-Henri Sanejouand.
It was developed by Karsten Suhre.
Between 2003 and 2014, it was hosted by IGS (Marseille).
Last modification: April 25th, 2023.