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***  UBIQUITIN 17-APR-92 1AAR  ***

B-factor analysis for ID 2405231924023010811

Overall B-factor prediction

Correlation= 0.370 for 152 C-alpha atoms.

B-factors for all residues

Residue-by-residue B-factor prediction for CA atoms

B-factors are computed based on the first 100 normal modes (B-PREDICT) and are scaled to match the overall B-factors in the submitted model (B-SCALED). A high correlation with the observations is an indicator that the normal modes capture well the overall flexibility features of the model. Comparison of the observed (B-OBS, blue) and the computed (B-SCALED, red) B-factors for all C-alpha atoms is presented below. Differences between B-factors from normal mode analysis and from X-ray crystallographic data may for example indicate regions where the protein flexibility is modified due to external factors such as tight crystall-packing.

     2 CA   MET      1      0.0433     12.7787      8.1500
    10 CA   GLN      2      0.0355     12.7273     11.9200
    19 CA   ILE      3      0.0196     12.6223     12.1400
    27 CA   PHE      4      0.0213     12.6338     13.1500
    38 CA   VAL      5      0.0139     12.5851     13.9800
    45 CA   LYS      6      0.0202     12.6264     14.3000
    54 CA   THR      7      0.0253     12.6601     16.8800
    61 CA   LEU      8      0.0254     12.6609     19.9200
    69 CA   THR      9      0.0810     13.0272     20.1800
    76 CA   GLY     10      0.1128     13.2373     20.9800
    80 CA   LYS     11      0.0533     12.8444     18.5400
    89 CA   THR     12      0.0371     12.7378     15.3400
    96 CA   ILE     13      0.0256     12.6619     14.0200
   104 CA   THR     14      0.0304     12.6939     14.2800
   111 CA   LEU     15      0.0236     12.6486     11.8800
   119 CA   GLU     16      0.0398     12.7557     12.3400
   128 CA   VAL     17      0.0284     12.6806      9.7000
   135 CA   GLU     18      0.0461     12.7974     12.1000
   144 CA   PRO     19      0.0396     12.7541      9.9600
   151 CA   SER     20      0.0478     12.8088     10.2700
   157 CA   ASP     21      0.0265     12.6682      9.7400
   165 CA   THR     22      0.0239     12.6510      9.4000
   172 CA   ILE     23      0.0136     12.5832     11.0200
   180 CA   GLU     24      0.0230     12.6449     12.2600
   189 CA   ASN     25      0.0213     12.6336     11.9100
   197 CA   VAL     26      0.0119     12.5716     10.8200
   204 CA   LYS     27      0.0150     12.5922     10.6900
   213 CA   ALA     28      0.0241     12.6522     11.5400
   218 CA   LYS     29      0.0222     12.6397     11.1200
   227 CA   ILE     30      0.0176     12.6090      7.1800
   235 CA   GLN     31      0.0287     12.6827      8.5700
   244 CA   ASP     32      0.0562     12.8639     12.0400
   252 CA   LYS     33      0.0499     12.8221     11.5200
   261 CA   GLU     34      0.0484     12.8126     14.7300
   270 CA   GLY     35      0.0642     12.9167     12.2400
   274 CA   ILE     36      0.0336     12.7151     11.7000
   282 CA   PRO     37      0.0418     12.7687     12.4200
   289 CA   PRO     38      0.0228     12.6433     12.1900
   296 CA   ASP     39      0.0395     12.7539     13.8000
   304 CA   GLN     40      0.0236     12.6488     13.8000
   313 CA   GLN     41      0.0142     12.5868     10.5300
   322 CA   ARG     42      0.0121     12.5728      8.7200
   333 CA   LEU     43      0.0092     12.5539      7.9700
   341 CA   ILE     44      0.0115     12.5688      9.1000
   349 CA   PHE     45      0.0161     12.5995      9.8600
   360 CA   ALA     46      0.0311     12.6985     13.4900
   365 CA   GLY     47      0.0212     12.6333     13.7100
   369 CA   LYS     48      0.0179     12.6114     10.9400
   378 CA   GLN     49      0.0146     12.5893     11.6700
   387 CA   LEU     50      0.0139     12.5848     12.1200
   395 CA   GLU     51      0.0254     12.6608     14.0100
   404 CA   ASP     52      0.0264     12.6675     14.7000
   412 CA   GLY     53      0.0411     12.7643     14.1700
   416 CA   ARG     54      0.0331     12.7117     12.0800
   427 CA   THR     55      0.0274     12.6738     10.2400
   434 CA   LEU     56      0.0206     12.6289     11.9900
   442 CA   SER     57      0.0389     12.7495     10.3800
   448 CA   ASP     58      0.0517     12.8338      8.5000
   456 CA   TYR     59      0.0312     12.6991     11.1300
   468 CA   ASN     60      0.0518     12.8349     12.4500
   476 CA   ILE     61      0.0264     12.6676     13.5600
   484 CA   GLN     62      0.0437     12.7815     13.0100
   493 CA   LYS     63      0.0537     12.8473     11.6000
   502 CA   GLU     64      0.0472     12.8042     11.3000
   511 CA   SER     65      0.0304     12.6935     10.9300
   517 CA   THR     66      0.0212     12.6332     11.7600
   524 CA   LEU     67      0.0123     12.5743     11.6700
   532 CA   HIS     68      0.0128     12.5777      9.4400
   542 CA   LEU     69      0.0112     12.5669     10.0700
   550 CA   VAL     70      0.0120     12.5726     11.9100
   557 CA   LEU     71      0.0154     12.5945     16.8900
   565 CA   ARG     72      0.0187     12.6167     20.7500
   576 CA   LEU     73      0.0316     12.7019     24.4200
   584 CA   ARG     74      0.0929     13.1056     32.2500
   595 CA   GLY     75      0.0944     13.1155     33.8500
   599 CA   GLY     76      0.0266     12.6686     31.4200
   603 CA   MET      1      0.0418     12.7686     10.5600
   611 CA   GLN      2      0.0351     12.7247     12.2000
   620 CA   ILE      3      0.0196     12.6227     11.8100
   628 CA   PHE      4      0.0204     12.6280     10.7300
   639 CA   VAL      5      0.0142     12.5869     10.4100
   646 CA   LYS      6      0.0210     12.6320     10.7100
   655 CA   THR      7      0.0250     12.6583     12.3300
   662 CA   LEU      8      0.0239     12.6509     16.5400
   670 CA   THR      9      0.0836     13.0444     17.9900
   677 CA   GLY     10      0.1378     13.4018     18.3100
   681 CA   LYS     11      0.0479     12.8092     15.7900
   690 CA   THR     12      0.0380     12.7435     13.8200
   697 CA   ILE     13      0.0250     12.6582     12.0000
   705 CA   THR     14      0.0314     12.7003     12.6900
   712 CA   LEU     15      0.0236     12.6487     10.5500
   720 CA   GLU     16      0.0395     12.7536     10.4300
   729 CA   VAL     17      0.0284     12.6808      9.0700
   736 CA   GLU     18      0.0436     12.7807     12.7600
   745 CA   PRO     19      0.0368     12.7357     10.6500
   752 CA   SER     20      0.0462     12.7978     11.3700
   758 CA   ASP     21      0.0250     12.6582      9.4300
   766 CA   THR     22      0.0210     12.6317      9.7800
   773 CA   ILE     23      0.0129     12.5785     10.7000
   781 CA   GLU     24      0.0211     12.6324     11.9200
   790 CA   ASN     25      0.0224     12.6411     11.4200
   798 CA   VAL     26      0.0127     12.5769      8.9600
   805 CA   LYS     27      0.0151     12.5927      8.8100
   814 CA   ALA     28      0.0249     12.6574      9.7900
   819 CA   LYS     29      0.0235     12.6483      8.8600
   828 CA   ILE     30      0.0178     12.6105      8.5300
   836 CA   GLN     31      0.0287     12.6826      9.3700
   845 CA   ASP     32      0.0560     12.8625     14.3400
   853 CA   LYS     33      0.0467     12.8010     16.4800
   862 CA   GLU     34      0.0463     12.7984     17.3700
   871 CA   GLY     35      0.0617     12.9002     14.9000
   875 CA   ILE     36      0.0333     12.7129     13.6600
   883 CA   PRO     37      0.0400     12.7570     13.3500
   890 CA   PRO     38      0.0228     12.6434     13.1400
   897 CA   ASP     39      0.0358     12.7291     14.4500
   905 CA   GLN     40      0.0236     12.6491     13.3100
   914 CA   GLN     41      0.0146     12.5892     10.4700
   923 CA   ARG     42      0.0121     12.5731      8.1000
   934 CA   LEU     43      0.0086     12.5499      8.9500
   942 CA   ILE     44      0.0105     12.5623      8.9500
   950 CA   PHE     45      0.0143     12.5878     10.0900
   961 CA   ALA     46      0.0278     12.6767     13.0200
   966 CA   GLY     47      0.0195     12.6221     14.4300
   970 CA   LYS     48      0.0163     12.6010     15.0000
   979 CA   GLN     49      0.0127     12.5772     11.6300
   988 CA   LEU     50      0.0123     12.5742     12.0500
   996 CA   GLU     51      0.0210     12.6319     14.2600
  1005 CA   ASP     52      0.0226     12.6422     13.3900
  1013 CA   GLY     53      0.0345     12.7209     12.8200
  1017 CA   ARG     54      0.0262     12.6658     12.7900
  1028 CA   THR     55      0.0232     12.6466     10.2800
  1035 CA   LEU     56      0.0171     12.6062     11.0400
  1043 CA   SER     57      0.0322     12.7055     12.2200
  1049 CA   ASP     58      0.0421     12.7706     12.0400
  1057 CA   TYR     59      0.0251     12.6585     15.3500
  1069 CA   ASN     60      0.0474     12.8056     14.6600
  1077 CA   ILE     61      0.0233     12.6470     12.8400
  1085 CA   GLN     62      0.0438     12.7822     11.5400
  1094 CA   LYS     63      0.0515     12.8329     10.8400
  1103 CA   GLU     64      0.0464     12.7995     11.1200
  1112 CA   SER     65      0.0305     12.6947      9.7300
  1118 CA   THR     66      0.0203     12.6268      8.2800
  1125 CA   LEU     67      0.0122     12.5734     10.2200
  1133 CA   HIS     68      0.0126     12.5763     10.1100
  1143 CA   LEU     69      0.0112     12.5672     10.2100
  1151 CA   VAL     70      0.0121     12.5730     11.5600
  1158 CA   LEU     71      0.0167     12.6033     14.8200
  1166 CA   ARG     72      0.0204     12.6277     17.5200
  1177 CA   LEU     73      0.0352     12.7251     22.7800
  1185 CA   ARG     74      0.1485     13.4724     28.0900
  1196 CA   GLY     75      0.9375     18.6743     30.9900
  1200 CA   GLY     76      8.8666     70.9548     32.0600

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